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Michael Brown's Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 8: Kindred In Hate

The WorldNetDaily columnist cheered how his fellow right-wingers hate transgender people as much as he does, freaked out that gay people were allowed to attend a religious conference, and found a fellow hater in a Christian musician.

By Terry Krepel
Posted 5/6/2024

Michael Brown

Michael Brown, it seems, can’t stop fearmongering about LGBTQ people and portraying his fellow haters as victims -- even if he continues to peddle his faux compassion on the issue. He ranted in his Sept. 1 WorldNetDaily column:
It’s true that most Americans want to be tolerant and open-minded. But there is a point where they draw the line, saying enough is enough. We’ve been seeing that happen more and more in recent days, as the radical left continues to go off the deep end and as viewpoints that were once considered fringe try to make their way into the mainstream.

The latest to join this list of those pushing back is rock icon Alice Cooper. He was dropped by a cosmetic company for daring to say that “a woman is a woman and a man is a man.”

How narrow-minded and extreme! (Carlos Santana made a similar comment before apologizing for his “insensitive” remarks.)

Be assured that common-sense statements like this are the tip of the iceberg of the pushback toward social sanity. Or do you really think that most Americans will embrace the “gender revolution,” as expressed in headlines like this: “‘Children Identifying as “Minotaurs” Are Part of Gender Revolution’ Says Feminist Professor”?

Then came more of that faux compassion, which he quickly tempered with his usual (and genuine) hate and cheered his fellow haters:

To be clear, I do not ridicule children who grow up with deep internal conflicts. God forbid. To the contrary, I advocate for us devoting our efforts to helping them find wholeness from the inside out. As for children and adults who are intersex, having biological or chromosomal abnormalities, that is an entirely different (and very difficult, sensitive) issue.

At the same time, I will not refrain from decrying the cultural madness, since that’s exactly what it is: madness.


Be assured that the more the left swerves out of control, the more society will turn back in the right direction. But to get things right, it is crucial that biblically based, clear-thinking believers help lead the way.

Brown began his Sept. 8 column cheering a freakout over a isolated case of a preschool in Britain that had what was deemed to be an inappropriate book:

I’m going to omit a few words from the opening sentence of an article posted by the U.K.’s Christian Voice in order to drill home a point. The first sentence reads, “Parents in Hull have withdrawn their … daughter from … school over inappropriate content in Relationships and Sex Education.” And what, exactly, did these parents find “inappropriate”?

The next paragraph explains, “The decision follows their discovery that the school was using a book entitled ‘Grandad’s Pride.’ The pro-gay propaganda book carries illustrations of homosexual men wearing next to nothing and women posing as men who have undergone surgical mutilation.”

It is for good reason that these parents pulled their kid out of school. Of course content like this is inappropriate for children.

Brown claimed offense that the book was initially defended:

Eventually, the school withdrew the book, apologizing to the parents, but only after defending it initially. As for the publisher, Anderson Press, Christian Voice reports that they are standing strong behind the book and its award-winning gay author, Harry Woodgate: “The publisher described critics’ concerns of ‘hidden messages’ in the book depicting a grandad wearing leathers for ‘Pride’ as ‘baseless, deeply offensive and homophobic.'”

Yes, this was one of the images in the book, that of an older man (a grandad, no less) dressed up in a bondage outfit, all for “Pride.” Concerns about the appropriateness of this for little children were “baseless, deeply offensive and homophobic.”

Once again, this is a classic case of calling evil good and good evil.

Unsurprisingly, Brown injected his transphobia here, quickly expanding his attack to any gender-affirmation procedure, citing alleged statistics (from a right-wing outlet, so there’s presumed bias there) on the number being done:

How can you not feel a righteous indignation along with a deep stab of pain after reading these words? How does one describe medical malpractice on this scale? Hundreds of minors have had their perfectly healthy, fully functioning genitals removed because they were experiencing emotional confusion? But it gets worse.

O’Neil writes, “The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study Wednesday estimating that 48,019 Americans underwent ‘gender-affirming surgeries‘ from 2016 to 2020, and 3,678 of them underwent surgery between ages 12 and 18.

“In the study, Columbia University researchers estimated that 3,215 of those minors underwent ‘breast/chest surgery’ and 405 of them underwent ‘genital surgery.’ Meanwhile, 350 underwent ‘other cosmetic procedures.'”

So, 3,215 girls – minors! – had their breasts removed, along with the 405 who underwent “genital surgery.”

This is surgical barbarism, and no amount of special pleading or intellectual sophistry can justify these procedures.

Brown went on to quote “the heralded Johns Hopkins psychiatrist Dr. Paul McHugh” in an anti-transgender rant, censoring the fact that his anti-transgender views are outside the medical mainstream. Brown concluded by invoking the Bible to justify his hate:

But as this assault on our children continues apace, all of us must continue to raise our voices in protest – be it at the school level or in our vigilance as parents or in the courts of law or in the halls of Congress. It’s the least we can do for these little ones.

As Jesus said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones – those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

As for the tiny percentage of children who suffer from gender dysphoria, the best science, along with common sense, tells us not to sterilize or mutilate them as minors. There is a better way.

Brown’s link on “the best science” goes to the American College of Pediatricians, a fringe-right group that is virulently anti-LGBT. That doesn’t seem like the thing to do if you’re trying to project at least the illusion of compassion.

Denying transgender identity

Brown’s hatred of LGBT people continued in his Sept. 29 column, in which he cheered the hate of his fellow right-wingers:

A June 2023 article states that, “Although the LGBT community can count on a lot of public and political sympathy, support for this minority group seems to be declining.”

Based on polling data from 30 mostly Western countries, the article noted, “People are generally more positive about gay couples raising children, but similar patterns can be discerned there too. … Over the past two years, support for this practice received significantly less support in countries such as the United States, the Netherlands and Sweden.”

On Dec. 29, 2022, NBC News ran this ominous headline: “2021 was supposed to be the ‘worst year’ for LGBTQ rights – then came 2022. Even with the enactment of a historic same-sex marriage bill, advocates describe a harrowing year for LGBTQ Americans.”


I am simply pointing out that there is a serious pushback against LGBTQ+ activism (or, “rights,” depending on one’s perspective), with much of it a reaction to radical trans activism.

Just think of the Budweiser and Target boycotts. Even non-Christian voices like Joe Rogan were saying, “This is a bridge too far.”

It’s the same with the celebration of drag and drag queens. Many Americans who said yes to “love is love” and who affirmed same-sex couples said, “We didn’t sign up for this.”

Brown did not explain why LGBT people do not deserve rights.

Brown advocated for banning the word “transgender” to describe transgender people in his Oct. 4 column:

There are people born with biological or chromosomal abnormalities who do not fit perfectly into the male-female categories. They are called intersex (more precisely, those affected by disorders of sexual development, representing .018% of the population). They deserve our sensitivity and compassion, but they are the exceptions who prove the rule of the gender binary. There are also people who, to the core of their being, feel that they are trapped in the wrong body, often experiencing internal conflict and pain for many years. They too deserve our sensitivity and compassion. But to call them “transgender” is to do them a disservice.

Simply stated, since transgender identity, in sharp distinction from the condition of intersex, is a psychological condition, that identity is a perception rather than a reality. Consequently, to refer to transgender identity as if it were a biological reality is to do a disservice to the sufferer, not to mention damage society as a whole and deny biological realities and gender distinctions. (Obviously, in saying this, I do not believe that, from birth, trans-identifying people have different brains than others. If that were true, then their condition would be biologically grounded after all.)

To those of you who agree with what I have stated, this is nothing new. I am simply preaching to the choir. Yet there is a reason for this preaching. (I’ll return to that shortly.)

Brown went on to insist that conservatives deny that transgender people are transgender:

To be clear, on a personal level, I have no point of reference for the experiences of people like Benaron or Shuping, or, for that matter, people like “Caitlyn” Jenner. I cannot begin to imagine what conflicts or pain or confusion they have lived with, nor do I pretend to understand.

But that doesn’t mean for a moment that we should affirm their perceived identities.

To the contrary, the moment we affirm the outward symptoms rather than continue to look for inward cures, we do what is convenient rather than what is best.


Again, I understand that perception may feel like reality. But that does not make it reality, and it is high time that we take a stand for reality.

This means that, at the least, conservative news sites should stop using preferred gender pronouns, regardless of what professional guidelines call for. It’s time to buck the system. (It would be great if all news sites stopped using such terminology, but obviously, those who affirm transgender identity would have no reason to do so.)

It also means that those of us who share my convictions should no longer refer to someone as, say, “a transgender male” but rather as a woman who identifies as a man. If we do use the “trans” word at all, it should be in the phrase “trans-identifying.” That’s because transgender, as a distinct biological reality, simply does not exist. The sooner we accept this reality, the better.

As he is wont to do, Brown dishonestly framed his hate as love:

I personally believe that, in the not too distant future, society as a whole will recognize this to be true. Why not, then, do the right thing today rather than simply swim with the tide when things shift in the years ahead? That’s what compromisers do. People of courage and conviction do the right thing today, regardless of cost or consequences.

And we can do this while working to help those struggling with these deep internal conflicts and while showing them love on an individual level, even if they are put off by our style of communication.

Love does what’s right, even when it’s unpopular.

That’s because love is driven by reality rather than perception. Love is driven by truth.

Brown didn’t explain how such hateful denial of someone else’s identity can possibly be portrayed as “love.”

Gay people at a religious conference

Brown raged in his Oct. 6 column:

I do my best to be sensitive in the language I use, not wanting to drive people away from a life-giving message because of controversial terminology. Yet there are times when being blunt is essential, and now is one of those times. That is why Pastor Andy Stanley must be called out publicly for inviting practicing homosexuals to speak at his Unconditional Conference last week. The fact that these men claim to be committed Christians makes the sin all the more grievous.

I’m speaking specifically of Justin Lee and Brian Nietzel, both of whom are not only openly “gay Christians” but are also “married” to their same-sex partners. This means that, according to the plain teaching of Scripture, they will not inherit the kingdom of God (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-10), and their actions are detestable in His sight (Leviticus 18:22).

Justin and Brian might be very gracious and kind men. Their partners might be terrific people in many ways. They might even model certain aspects of Christian compassion and grace and profess some orthodox beliefs.

But that only magnifies the level of deception involved, since Satan himself comes as an angel of light (see 2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
It turns out that “both Justin and Brian have spoken to his people before, with his blessing and approval,” which only seemed to outrage Brown more (while, of course, pretending to have sympathy toward LGBT people):
We need to do better. We need to show unconditional love. We need to recognize how deep these struggles can be. And we need to understand the degree to which Christian young people, in particular, can suffer an acute conflict over these feelings, which they did not ask for. Yes, let us be educated and let us love well.

But under no circumstances should we affirm a child’s gay or bi or trans or queer identity. Even more emphatically, under no circumstances should we tell them that they can follow Jesus and be in a same-sex, sexual or romantic relationship. God forbid. To do so is to be complicit in their demise.

Brown was particularly enraged that Brian and Justin portrayed themselves as good Christians who happened to be gay:

What about the example of Brian? What about their online resources and teachings?

To paraphrase, “I’m not taking a public position here on same-sex marriage or sexual behavior. But in my personal example, in which I am in a same-sex marriage and have sex with my male partner, I’m shouting quite loudly to all of you.”

The very presence of Justin and Brian at the conference, along with men like Christian ethicist David Gushee, who believes that God affirms committed, same-sex relationships, sent a clear message to all those in attendance. “Yes,” they were saying, “your kids can practice homosexuality and follow Jesus at the same time.”

And these men were not just given a platform but were honored and celebrated for who they are. Otherwise, they would not have been invited to speak.

Consider that it was Justin who founded the “Gay Christian Network,” with most of the adherents in the network affirming same-sex, “Christian” relationships.

And Justin’s new organization, called Nuance Ministries, recommends groups like the Reformation Project, which actively seeks to change church views on the Bible and homosexual practice. (See, one of the Nuance Ministries links; while still under construction, the site links to the Reformation Project and others of like mind.)

As for Brian, his bio states that he “is a gay man committed to his faith and love for Jesus. He grew up in the Evangelical Church and struggled with his sexuality, then later in life found his peace with God. He is now happily married to his husband Dan and is a proud father. He founded the organization Making Things Right to invite Christians to reimagine their relationship with LGBTQ+ people” (my emphasis).

To repeat: This is detestable in God’s sight, no matter how loving, kindhearted, caring and “Christian” Dan and his partner may be. They are in fundamental violation of the order and plan of the God who Himself is love. They are sinning, and they are leading others into sin. 

Yet it is men like Brian and Justin whom Andy chose to have speak at his conference – not ex-gays, not compassionate Christian counselors with a very different approach, not biblically grounded theologians, not parents of LGBTQ+ identified kids who unconditionally love without affirming.

Brown returned to attacking Stanley for not hating gay people like he does:

As crazy as this seems, is it any crazier than Andy Stanley inviting professing Christians who are “married” to their same-sex partners to speak at an LGBTQ+ related conference? Can you imagine Paul asking a homosexual “Christian” couple to share with the Corinthian church about the importance of being loving towards children who struggle with same-sex attraction?

To the contrary, Paul would have lovingly and firmly called them to repent, and if they refused to repent, he would have called on the Corinthians to excommunicate them (see 1 Corinthians 5).

Rather than do this, Pastor Andy Stanley gave them a platform – a very big, influential platform. What a horrible shame. And what lasting damage this will do.

To be sure, all of us fall short of God’s glory and live in daily need of His grace and mercy. And without question, if we turn to Him in repentance, the blood of Jesus will wash us clean. But if we continue in unrepentant sin, let alone justify it, we will face His judgment.

It was the Puritan Thomas Manton who said, “First we practice sin, then defend it, then boast of it.”

This is exactly what Andy Stanley and the Unconditional Conference have done, platforming practicing homosexuals who claim to have the blessing of God on their same-sex relationships.

May God grant them repentance before it is too late. And may all of us take careful stock of our lives before Him.

So much for Brown’s purported empathy for LGBT people — he clearly wants not only them banished from society, but anyone who doesn’t hate them as much as he does should apparently be shamed and ostracized from his version of right-wing Christianity. Brown clearly does not believe in compassion for anyone different from him — for them, there is only hate and disapproval and exile.

Hateful Christian musician

Brown’s hatred for LGBT people surfaced yet again in his Oct. 27 column, in which he praised a Christian musician for hating them as much as he does:

Although Skillet is one of the best-known Christian rock bands ever, I only became aware of them when John Cooper, the band’s longtime frontman, wrote a strong response to former Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson. Since then, John and I have become close friends, often interacting about the compromised state of so much of the contemporary church. In fact, Skillet’s great song “The Resistance” is the theme music for my daily broadcast, the “Line of Fire.”

Most recently, John has been involved in the controversy the erupted after “Former Caedmon’s Call singer-songwriter, Derek Webb, went to the [Dove] awards in a dress, alongside openly queer Christian artist Semler, and drag queen Flamy Grant. Webb also posted a picture of the trio on social media with the caption, ’54th annual dove awards, here we come.'”

Webb is a former contemporary Christian music artist who turned away from the faith and has partnered with “Flamy Grant,” a drag queen (and former worship leader named Matthew Blake) whose music was No. 1 on iTunes for Christian music in 2022. I am not making this up.

Nor am I making up the reference to the “openly queer Christian artist Semler,” as if one could be openly queer and follow Jesus at the same time. Not a chance.

John has rightly rebuked this destructive behavior, but other leaders in the contemporary Christian music (CCM) industry, have taken issue with his comments, calling him out for his alleged lack of love. They have been joined by many social media commenters who claim that Jesus is using these “drag Christians” to help us be more tolerant and inclusive in our attitudes.

In fact, Cooper amply demonstrated his lack of love, sneering that not hating LGBT people as “libertarian tolerance” and “moral relativism,” maliciously likening them a equivalent to Hitler, slaveowners and racists, which Brown approvingly quoted:

“Sincere question: Were Christians not acting like Jesus when they spoke against slavery? Or stood for civil rights? Was Bonhoeffer a judgmental Pharisee when he was warning the church against Hitler?

“More sincere questions: If people attended the Doves dressed in KKK hoods, would ‘love for Christ and being about the Father’s business’ demand silence from Christian artists? After all, God is the judge, not us, right? ‘What’s a little racism in our midst?’

“So, will you support folks attending in blackface? What if a section of CCM artists began promoting ‘shout your abortion,’ and praising the killing of the unborn as an act of love. Does Jesus respond to that? Or does He just love people so much that He stays silent about calling good evil and evil good?

“What if folks came to the Doves promoting segregation between blacks and whites. Or promoting the end of laws that bar minors from entering into consensual sexual relationships with adults. Spoiler alert: There’s no way that you or the other folks in the industry would stay silent if those things happened at the Doves. “You need to ask yourself – why would I be more bothered by racism than sexual immorality? Your take on what it means to love Christ and others is sentimental, not biblical.

If you’re likening gay people to Hitler and the KKK, you’re not being sincere — you’re being maliciously hateful. Nevertheless, Brown concluded by gushing: “Preach it, kid brother! This is why I love John Cooper and Skillet.

Polygamy meltdown

Brown’s Dec. 1 column began by rehashing a three-year-old column he wrote complaining that a TV show about people looking for a house to buy featured a “throuple” — a man and two women in a committed relationship. This led to a rant about a poll showing that more people think polygamy is acceptable:

What struck me this week was a Gallup report from 2020 indicating that acceptance of polygamy had reached 20% – meaning, 1 in 5 Americans. Back in 2006, that number was 1 in 20 Americans. That’s quite a jump!

Commenting on this on the Gallup website, Frank Newport wrote in June 2020, “what fascinates me as much as anything else is the trend on polygamy. When Gallup first included polygamy on the list in 2003, 7% of Americans said it was morally acceptable, and that fell to 5% in 2006. But over the past decade, this percentage has gradually increased – moving into double digits in 2011, reaching 16% in 2015, and this year, at 20%, the highest in our history. In short, there has been a fourfold increase in the American public’s acceptance of polygamy in about a decade and a half.”

As of 2022 and 2023, the number had risen even further, to 23%, meaning almost 1 in 4 Americans felt that polygamy was morally acceptable. But there is no slippery slope. Of course!

I could cite many more examples, but at this point: 1) It would be redundant. 2) It would make this article into a small book. 3) You don’t need me to cite polls and statistics; all you need to see is the societal embrace of Drag Queens reading to toddlers. That alone proves the point.

How did Brown get from polygamy to “Drag Queens reading to toddlers”? He didn’t explain. He also didn’t explain why how other people live their lives is any of his business, or why toddlers care about who is reading to them. Instead, he cheered that his fellow right-wing haters are involved in “pushback”:

The good news is that, as many of us also predicted, the radical left has overplayed its hand and a moral, cultural pushback is at hand.

The bad news is that it’s a lot harder to climb up a mountain than to slide down it.

On other hand, with God’s help, all things are possible.

Meanwhile, It’s apparently not possible — not even with God’s help — to change Brown’s judgmental, hate-filled attitudes toward anyone who’s not as far-right as he is.

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